Thursday, 3 February 2011

Serial Dating

Oh Hiya.

Ever since i reached sexual maturity, up until last october, i'd only ever dated 6 people. Each of those turned either into quite lengthy, significant relationships or lengthy wastes of time. So at some point in the winter I lined up some dates, and conveniently they were all in the same week. So I set myself the challenge of filling up this week - finding seven different men to date in these seven days. I completed the challenge.

Date week arrived and got off to a nice start.

Monday's guy was sweet and funny.

Tuesday's guy was my ex, so it wasn't really a date, more of a catch up, but it was lovely none the less seeing him after a few months.

This lead me, on wednesdays date, to notice all the things he didn't have that monday and tuesday's date did have, and visa versa.

Thursday was much the same as wednesday, and i cancelled friday's so as to spare myself from the monotony.

Saturday's date cancelled me, and I like to think that maybe he had the same tedious experience.

Sunday was a disaster.

The week, on paper, went terribly. But I had actually never felt happier. I don't think there was any sex. Maybe i'm wrong and it was really uninspiring sex, but I can't even remember the guys names so I am pretty sure there wasn't any sex.

Sexless, alone, happy. Three words that apparently go well together. I think it was just the idea of there being a handful of people out there that thought me concupiscible enough to pay me attention that made me happy. So ever since, every now and then, I arrange/agree to a date with somebody I know I probably won't be interested in. We spend an hour or two getting to know eachother, flirting a bit, and probably don't even kiss at the end. But it does leave me with a sense of self worth. People do still fancy me. Or fancy my Grindr picture at least. Maybe I'm using these people, who knows. But yesterday's date had a motorbike, so I might see him again.

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