Sunday, 21 March 2010

Last term, a countdown saved my life.

We all know i never used to be the greatest fan of university. I spent term 1, in my Halls, in bed. But at some point, in November, i noticed the BT Tower was displaying an ominous countdown atop it's rotating restuarant:

I remember first noticing it when it read "998 days" and then the next day it read "997" so i knew it was counting down. But to what?
A bit of quick math led me to the conclusion that it was counting down to somewhere in 2012. THE END OF THE WORLD?!
Some further math led me to realise it was december 2012 that it was counting down to, but sometime in Summer. It was obvious then - the countdown was to my graduation ceremony. BT himself had decided to help me through university by making me realise that there wasn't really that long to go. And he has helped. Every now and again i glance up, and the countdown is drastically lower. I've broken up for the summer now, and last i saw, the countdown was on "890 days". That's 11% of my degree out of the way. Thanks BT. x

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