Monday, 15 March 2010

Been putting this off

And i did warn that i was going to blog it. I think i'm just scared because the pictures are really shit. Which is only because they are video stills. And i wasn't avidly taking good videos like my friends here:

I was just dancing like a free bitch and holding my video ipod in my hand, waving it in every which direction, even managing to catch a glimpse of my own face, at one point, which i think we all wish i didn't:

It's a bit blurred, so it makes my eyes look like they are of varying sizes, which is always fun.

Before the Monster ball started, we were treated to the Lady pulling various poses and faces to a really nice song, which was like a big party:

So that projection screen came up and the show started. But Before Gaga could go to the Monster ball, she had to leave her house. Alas, there was another huge screen in front of her house so she decided to pull some new poses, leaving only a silhouette, which we all went mad for obviously:

So then She sings 'Dance in the Dark', gets in the car with her friends, but it's broken so they rub that 'Glitter and Grease' and 'Just Dance'. Which, unsuprisingly, doesn't fix the car. Then there's my favourite bit where a man asks Gaga "What is the monster ball, REALLY?" to which she replies "The Monster Ball will set you free. Like. Super free. All the freaks are outside and we've locked the fucking doors."
Here's a picture of that very conversation:

So everyone cheers, and i stop taking videos, a few songs later, suddenly 'Lovegame' is on which is my favourite song, and so i remember that. Then i remember her mentioning Beyonce breaking her out of prison, and singing telephone:

I didn't take a video of that, that's just a screen shot from the music video.

Then i vaguely remember seeing a flame on stage and holding Olivia's hand to sing speechless. This was Olivia's exact reaction to me holding her hand:

Don't worry, Olivia. I love you too.
I have a neat video of Speechless. I'm scared it will make this blog entry too long though, so i will add it right after this one. SCREW CONTINUITY.

Then Gaga sang in the Living Dress, then i don't remember Monster, Teeth, Alejandro, or Pokerface. Which made the whole endevour less fruitful than desired. I then remember discussing with Olivia the matter of a huge demonic anamatronic fish being on stage. I don't remember Paparazzi, but i remember it being performed while i texted someone saying "How many songs after Paparazzi?" I sent that text, and stared at the screen, waiting for the 'Message sent' notice on my phone. I got that notice, then the crowd cheered. Because the Ball was over.
But the of course, the Encore of Bad Romance. Paws up.

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