Friday, 6 August 2010

New Nephew/Nieces

Day 41

I didn't do much today, but i've noticed that i did happen to take lots of photos of 4 specific people. All were relatively newborn babies, and all were the spawn of my adopted brothers and sisters.
We will start and end with the two best ones, and the two least best ones can go in the middle. We won't take ultimate favourites though because that's mean...

1. Remember this:

Well 12 Months on, this is what 'baby' Lukas looks like now;

He's so good natured, too. He'll take his first steps any day now.

2. Sharon!

She's cute. But doesn't do much, which is expected of 3 month olds.

3. Amona

Her name is a little ironic. She moans a lot. Which may be why i don't have a lot of pictures of her. It also may be the reason people leave her on the floor in empty rooms.

Or that in itself may be the reason she moans. Who knows.


Anything born from Cena's womb is bound to be beautiful and good natured. She's my favourite sister, and her kids are marvellous. Lungina is no exception. Her big eyes and pointy ears are adorable. Even in this picture, where she is sitting on an Orange, and hating on me. Strange girl. <3

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